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The tongarage basically offers the following services:

  • Recording (primarily in the studio, but external recording is also possible.)

  • Editing (cutting of primarily own recordings, but also of external recordings possible.)

  • Tuning (individual tonal corrections are made using special tools or it is used as a creative element.)

  • Mixdown (preparing the mix so that it can be handed over to the mastering engineer.)

  • Mastering -> is carried out by a partner mastering studio.

Here we publish insights into the work of the tongarage . Of course we cannot publish too many details. We consider the rights of artists to be a valuable asset that we handle with care. If you are interested in further details, then get in touch.

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Recording / Mixdown Caboomba

March - July 2020


As can be seen from the "Current" section, the recording / video shoot for the rhythm textbook "Caboomba" took place as planned on the first weekend in March in Freiburg iB. It was an intense weekend with a lot of commitment from all sides. The two initiators Andreas Gerber and Rolf Grillo prepared everything very well - they deserve our warmest thanks.

The second step was to mix and finish the individual tracks in the studio so that they could be placed under the video as an audio track. As it is with live recordings, in the end a part was missing here and there, which we then dubbed with overdubs in the studio.

On the last weekend in June the second video shooting / audio recording weekend took place in Freiburg. Although it involved fewer people, this time around 60 takes had to be recorded. After the recording in Freiburg, there is also work in the studio so that the sound matches the video.

The creative work with Andreas and Rolf is totally cool, because working together with two great musicians and teachers is a lot of fun and is inspiring for new things ..... simply wonderful!

...... stay tuned and healthy

Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-25 um

Recording / Mixdown tambouren-waedenswil

January 2020


Melvin Landis from Tambouren Wädenswil recorded his new piece "Sabbatical" for us. Elyas, himself a proven tambour at the highest level, accompanied the recording. The result will be used intensively for rehearsals and demos.

Comment from Melvin:

The expectations were definitely exceeded, I felt very comfortable and in good hands. Elyas was able to accompany me well, so that the recording could be carried out efficiently - thank you very much, it was fun and the result is excellent.


Recording and Pre-Production WhatRules?

December 2019

(Beda & Elyas)

On the occasion of the official opening we had the band " WhatRules? " In the studio. Awesome what the young band has delivered, even with the difficult situation during the official opening - really cool!

Comment from WhatRules ?:

We felt very comfortable in the well-considered and well-kept environment. The recording was also very fun because the atmosphere was pleasant and relaxed. The recording took place during the opening of the tongarage, so the recording time was limited, we would have liked to have had more time. We take very good memories of this recording and hope for a next time.


Recording and Mixdown "Dacustico" 2

November 2019

(Beda & Elyas)

After a long break, the second part of the recording season took place at the beginning of November with the singer / songwriter Duo Dacustico.

Comment from Dacustico:

It was a very exciting and interesting experience for us to be able to walk this path with you.

Thank you very much for your support, your commitment, the opportunity

To sniff studio air and grow with it.

Musik machen

Composition and production "Award Winner"

September 2019

(Beda & Elyas)

We composed and produced the soundtrack for the award ceremony on the occasion of the largest Swiss service management conference ( (with guest musicians).

Comment from

With this teaser at the award ceremony (audience award), this part of the event has clearly gained in professionalism. The requirement could be fully implemented and the feedback from those present was very positive. We will build on it again next year or expand the teaser - many thanks to the tongarage in Baar


Voice recordings for MBSR

August 2019


Voice recordings were made for the guidance of the body scan from the MBSR method. For this purpose, further productions are planned for the beginning of 2020.

Frau auf dem Pier

Recording and mixdown of various individual artists

April - August 2019

(Elyas & Beda)

We were allowed to record demos for various individual artists (primarily singers), which are used as a promotion (including LINK or LINK )

Recordings can be obtained on request and after approval by the artist via the contact form!

Gitarre Close Up

Recording and Mixdown "Dacustico"

March 2019

(Elyas & Beda)

For the "Sing and Songwriting" Duo "Dacustico" we were allowed to record three of our own songs. The mixdown should also be done in the tongarage.

Further documentation will be published later!

Piano B & W

Piano recording and mixdown

June 2018

(Elyas & Beda)

We were asked to make recordings at the Baar Music School. A pianist and colleagues have recorded two original compositions for two pianos.

Since we had already set up everything, we also took on two ambitious music students for a project . The mixdowns are still pending, but will be finalized in Q2 / 2019. The recorded material will be used by the artists as a demo.


Radio play "The man from the Schächental"

April 2018

(Elyas & Beda)

As part of the training to become a sound engineer (HF), we were allowed to implement a radio play. The dramaturgical basis was a song by the band Uriginal "d'Saga vom Tschirre Tennel", which we translated from the linguistically not very simple Urner dialect into the more classic "Züri-Dütsch" and implemented as a radio play.

The implementation was great fun, but it was also challenging because neither Elyas nor I had any experience with such projects.

If you are interested, the radio play can be obtained as an MP3 file (please report via contact form or email)


For music, language, noises and other exciting topics in the audio sector


Phone: +41 79 544 40 52

Address: Blickensdorferstrasse 2A

CH-6340 BAAR

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© 2021 by tongarage ... inspired by music

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